
历史学家,《lpl下注》一文的作者," Ibram Kendi, is an award­ winning and influential figure who writes on topics relating to race issues. 《lpl下注》这篇文章是他2019年出版的一本书中的一段 How to Be an Antiracist.
The passage blends his personal experience with racism and uses statistics that examine the racial inequities caused by disastrous policies. His overall point, 根据标题“定义”,是说服他的观众首先定义什么是种族主义者和反种族主义者,让观众变得有道德,这样观众就可以用这些正义的道德来找到反种族主义者的方法. 他用历史事实来组织他的主张, events, and his family's narrative to show how racism towards minorities has prevented them from prospering and achieving their own American Dream.

In his essay, he talks about racist policies and racial inequity to later explain the negative effects they had on minorities. 他特别给出了重要符号的例子, 引用美国历史上的事件, and quotes notable people. 他把白人家庭和其他所有不同种族家庭的情况区别开来,以表明这两个群体是不平等的. The non-white families have lagged in being able to achieve their full potential compared to white families. Kendi, indirectly, 证明了白人家庭可以获得美国生活提供的最好的东西, 而非白人家庭面临着应该消除的障碍. 我认为,在lbram Kendi的文章中,美国梦的语境是种族主义阻止了生活在美国的所有种族和背景的人获得与生活在美国的其他种族和民族平等的地位和机会, 尽管承诺努力工作会带来成功.

Ibram Kendi首先提出了建立种族主义和反种族主义思想的清晰定义的重要性,以发展意识并表明美国梦缺乏进步的根源,这样就有了这些知识, 它可以暗指对抗限制的进程, 种族主义政策在该国确立. 肯迪解释说,只有种族主义或反种族主义的思想和政策,其中种族主义思想是认为一个群体比另一个群体低. 11). Racist ideas are linked to racist policies when politicians in power with racist beliefs create restrictive policies. Racist policies are not laws to promote racial discrimination like what the United States experienced until the Civil Rights Movement. He also questions whether it is racist to have racial discrimination producing inequity (par, 7). Kendi的目标是说服读者阻止种族主义政策的生效,并让他的读者自我意识并审视自己,看看如何反种族主义. 他强调,没有所谓的非种族主义思想,并希望听众使用“使用种族主义或反种族主义”这一术语来确定一项政策是否属于这一类别. 因此,他建议所有团体都要站在同一战线上, or an equal foot, 一些群体必须被区别对待,我认为这意味着一些群体必须比其他群体获得更多的资源,以使所有群体都能实现被认为是反种族主义的美国梦, 但很多人会认为这是一种反向歧视.

Another term he differentiates is discrimination to the word racist to describe how American society, with or without knowing, 可以偏袒一个种族而不是另一个种族,这给少数民族制造了另一个障碍. 他指责有权力执行法律的美国人使种族主义永久化, “在20世纪60年代以前,为维持种族不平等而鼓吹种族歧视的种族主义者,现在则是为消除种族不平等而反对反种族歧视的种族主义者。. 9). Government officials who were racist purposely created obstacles to prevent non-whites to achieve what American Dream promised, 使它难以达到成功. 根据肯迪的定义, 今天的美国人反对采取措施减少不平等, 比如激进的反歧视行动, 实际上是种族主义者阻止了实现平等的可能途径吗. Earlier, 肯迪解释说,由于这些种族主义政策, people would take advantage of the policy in a way to start discriminating against people of different races (par. 6). 这些政策是歧视的根源和延续,因为这些政策限制了自由,使少数民族的生活更加危险,因为缺乏法律保护. These policies were created to specifically target minorities which in return made it hard to achieve the American Dream.

Throughout his essay, 他间接地揭示了与白人家庭相比,边缘群体缺乏公平,这与美国梦所宣扬的恰恰相反. Using statistics, 他展示了种族不平等在这个国家的许多地方是如何普遍存在的,并揭示了“在1914年,71%的白人家庭住在自有住房中, 相比之下,拉丁裔家庭占45%,黑人家庭占41%. 3). 值得注意的是,他提到了房屋所有权的统计数据,以证明房屋所有权是美国人生活的重要组成部分,也是成功的结果. It is clear that the lack of equity due to racist policies throughout the years is a big concern for Kendi. Ta-Nehisi Coates, 文章《lpl下注》的作者, 对缺乏住房所有权也有类似的担忧,他解释说:...像克莱德·罗斯这样的人没有资金支持. 从19世纪30年代到19世纪60年代, black people across the country were largely cut out of the legitimate home-mortgage market through means both legal and extralegal" (Coates par. 18). 科茨间接指责抵押贷款机构, 谁是有权势的白人, 造成黑人家庭不平等的原因. 这些政策之所以产生,是因为同样强大的政府官员允许它发生,而作为回报,它们只会受到很小的影响. These families worked hard to obtain the basic necessities but were later cheated off a system that promised to grant them their possessions.

Due to the lack of equity, Kendi declares that we must treat people differently in order to achieve the equality needed to chase the American Dream. 在支持了他对种族主义的定义之后,他开始发展这个想法. Despite having advanced into a time where racism isn't like before the civil rights era, 美国人应该开始做点什么来弥补损失. But to achieve this, Affirmative Action could be a solution that would give more attention and aid towards the marginalized races. However, 许多美国人认为这个想法是种族主义的,但实际上, those Americans are racist because they do not think about the hardships that these marginalized races have been through, 因此反对种族平等. 119). These families worked hard and were not able to succeed despite following the promises of the American Dream. 所以肯迪的想法可以让那些努力工作的人, 在经历了这么多年之后,去实现他们应得的美国梦. 但对于那些不努力工作、出生在不平等环境中的人来说, would be receiving those benefits too and anger white Americans for the reverse discrimination. So, I understand why Affirmative Action such as the argument for reparations is controversial.

In modern days, talks about a well-deserved aid to those who have been stopped in attaining the American Dream have been controversial. To support Kendi's claim, I believe that a racist policy found today could be the censorship of reparations for minorities, 尤其是黑人家庭. Over the years, 在美国建国以来对黑人产生负面影响的所有种族主义政策之后,是否应该考虑赔偿问题进行了会谈和辩论. 在Ta-Nehisi Coates关于赔偿原因的文章中, 他试图让观众相信,在黑人被迫离开他们努力争取的家园和财产之后,赔偿可能是实现种族平等的唯一途径. Of course, 这包括给予特定种族群体特殊待遇, just like Kendi's claim that we must treat people differently to bring them to an equal level with the rest of the people who are better off today. Kendi wants us to recognize that there is an issue with the way the United States is run, 那就是当权者和他们的政策. 我相信美国梦的一部分包括拥有一所房子或至少一些财产,但许多少数民族和移民社区无法获得这些资源,这支持了肯迪对缺乏公平的担忧.

在我们生活的时代,谈论如何让任何人实现美国梦是一段苦乐参半的旅程,而其他群体也落在了后面. For many years, the media have informed us about the influx in immigration from around other countries in the world, especially Latin America. 在一个接收了很多移民的国家, 我们仍在努力为他们提供实现美国梦的必需品. 我们看到,这些移民被灾难性的政策所取代,这些政策也对这些国家的少数民族产生了负面影响,他们希望移民来实现美国梦,因为他们别无选择. Later in his essay, Kendi informs the audience about the rest of the world today and how they are affected negatively by racist policies. 他解释说,这是由于气候变化, many people's habitats are being destroyed and food is running scarce just because our nation, for example, 不承担灾难性政策的责任(par. 15). 这迫使移民搬到世界其他地方,以逃避栖息地的破坏,这也会带来经济问题. 这些移民中的一些人必须更加努力地工作,以实现他们的美国梦.

I believe that Kendi's and Coates' picture of the American dream is similar to my interpretation of it. 我对美国梦的理解是,任何生活在美国的公民都可以通过努力工作来追求幸福,赢得每天充满机会的更好的生活,生活得比世界上任何其他地方都要舒适, 一种陈腐的信念,尽管一再重复, 可能不完全正确. I trace this belief back in elementary school where we were taught about the pilgrims sailing the Mayflower for a new life. I connected the significance of when European settlers came to North America to have a new and better life to my parent's journey. 我的父母是移民,他们告诉我,他们从墨西哥移民过来是为了有更好的生活和更好的工作,所以我一直认为美国梦必须与繁荣和机会有关. I thought that the American Dream allowed everyone the right to reach prosperity despite the socioeconomic background of the person.

However, 但其他许多移民家庭的情况并非如此, 我知道我的家人比别人幸运. Finally, 肯迪提到美国人必须有自知之明, 为扫清通往美国梦的道路而奋斗. Despite non-white groups being in different places and we are all far behind in pursuing the benefits of the American Dream, 我们必须采取行动,消除造成少数民族不幸的根本原因. Kendi wants us to understand that anti-racist ideas will open the underlying issue in attaining the American Dream, even if history has shown that policies will still be in place that unknowingly puts obstacles in front of many non­ white families (par. 2lSI). It does not mean that marginalized groups who are far behind in inequity due to racism cannot reach their own American Dream, 它只是意味着,知道如何反种族主义将推动我们的思想创造一种方式,让每个人都能成功地获得美国梦的回报.


Works Cited
   Coates, Ta-Nehisi. "A Case for Reperations." The Atlantic June 2014.
Online. 21 September 2022. .
    Kendi, lbram X. "Definitions." Kendi, lbram X. How to Be an Antiracist.
2019. Online. 18 September 2022.