Remembering Father John Melnick, SSA

Father John Melnick, SSA

约翰·梅尔尼克神父,SSA, 62岁,于2023年1月15日星期日去世. 从2009年到2020年,他担任lpl下注的教员,并担任精神和使命副校长. During his 11 years at Donnelly, Fr. John impacted countless students through campus ministry programming, theology courses, 协助每日弥撒及成人入会礼(RCIA). 他还为包括校长和董事会在内的所有教职员工提供友谊和建议.  

Students and staff remember Fr. 约翰活泼的课堂讨论和他在走廊里闲逛唱赞美诗和小调的习惯. Although Fr. 在唐纳利目前的学术大楼于2020年夏天开放之前,约翰退休了, 他为现在的祝福西罗斯教堂提供了最初的设计理念.

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Shared Memories 

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Monsignor Stuart Swetland, President: Fr. 约翰首先是一个祭司,他把耶稣的同在传播给他所服侍的人. 他也是一名忠实的奥古斯丁教徒,他重视圣奥古斯丁的榜样和教导. Augustine and St. Monica. 我从他对祈祷、社区和奥古斯丁圣徒的奉献中看到了这一点. He was committed to seeking God, pursuing the truth, and an interior life of depth and substance centered on Christ. I was and am proud to call him a friend. 愿他的灵魂和所有离去的信徒的灵魂安息. 

Lisa Stoothoff, Dean of the College: My fondest memory of Fr. John was when we attended the March for Life in Washington, D.C. 并在联邦调查局的护送下进入了特朗普酒店,尽管该酒店不对公众开放. Fr. 约翰喜欢生活中简单的快乐,他的歌声将永远回荡在大厅里. He just had an unparalleled joy for life. 

Ana Maradiaga, Director of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Father John was always smiling. My days would brighten when I heard him coming down the hallway, his melodious chanting preceding him. He was such a welcoming presence at Donnelly. 你总可以指望他用微笑和愉快的问候来振奋你的精神. 

Joe Multhauf, Assistant Professor of Biology: Father John had a profound influence on everyone he met. He instilled in everyone a sense of peace and friendship. He loved Catholic tradition and his dog Chewy. 他有大量的钢笔收藏,并鼓励每个人都用钢笔写字. Thank you for your friendship, Fr. John! 

Diego Payan '14, '16: 我上大学的那一年,约翰神父开始为唐纳利工作. I remember being terrified thinking, “What’s a priest doing here?他会沿着走廊唱着格里高利圣歌,带着一种传染性的喜悦. 我一点也不知道,这位牧师将成为我转变信仰的关键人物. 他为我重归信仰奠定了基础,成为我属灵的父亲. May he be shouting and singing praise in eternal joy in heaven. 

Jonathon Westbrook ‘07, ‘13: From theology to the elegance of fountain pens, 约翰神父体现了唐纳利的精神,并“使上帝的爱在我们的世界切实可见”. 愿所有在他指导下的人都能继承他的爱、慈善、同情和优雅的精神. Father John was a gift to us from our Heavenly Father.   

Roger Berg, III ‘15, ‘17: I met Father John as many have done, in Theology class. 我记得我很惊讶他总是在包里放一本《LPL外围网址》《lpl下注》和一本《LPL外围网址》. When I inquired, he stated that in order to be well rounded, one needed to see and understand multiple sides of the puzzle. He welcomed all beliefs. 他甚至在课堂上和一个学生进行了简短的辩论,那个学生是无神论者. He stated: "I really admire you as an atheist, 因为比起完全不相信,这需要更多的信心." He did not sugarcoat things and did not let students slide by. 他给我布置了我本科学习中最难的作业. 他要求我们班用一到三段话概括圣经.

如果我必须总结我的朋友约翰神父,他是一个有伟大信仰的人. He had a desire to learn, and a love of teaching. 他精通多种语言,还收集了大量钢笔. 上课时,他在走廊上高唱着曲子,从不感到羞耻,也从不害怕告诉你他的想法. 我们花了很多个晚上通过短信或Facebook聊天,无所不谈(我非常怀念那段时光),他是我拉丁文翻译的“现场约翰尼”. 他是一位伟大的老师和朋友,对自己的信仰坚定不移. I will miss him dearly. 

Angelica Perez ‘18: Father John was a fantastic Chaplain but also a friend. During my two years at Donnelly, 他帮了我很大的忙,帮我策划、寻求帮助,让学生参加“生命游行”. He also helped me with my spiritual life, along with Brother Martin. I remember one time, 约翰神父告诉我,如果我被召入宗教生活,我会成为一名杰出的修道院长. He was extremely diverse; I could talk to him about my prayer life one minute, and the next, we would talk about fountain pens. 无论我们谈了什么,这些谈话都给我带来了美好的回忆和快乐. There is so much more I could say about him. He was amazing! 

Yessenia (Silva-Leos) Lopez ‘12谢谢你给我这个机会写约翰神父的故事. 我记得他是一个快乐的人,喜欢在大厅里唱歌. 你能听到他在大厅里唱歌,和他说话总是一种乐趣. 当我和他谈论他的钢笔收藏时,我总是很热情. He always seemed to have a different one each day. Father John was an extraordinary person and a character for sure.  

Ivan Medrano ‘10, ‘13: 我记得最深刻的是,有一次上课时,他让我试穿他的工作服. 我不太记得我们为什么要这么做,但我知道有一张照片流传开来. He was a very friendly and warm person who is sorely missed.  

Carmelita Bahamonde ‘13: I've got so many good memories of Father John, 但我最喜欢的是他拿着收音机在走廊上跳舞的样子,他很开心. 他帮我解决了生活中的一些问题,当事情变得艰难时,他是一个可以依靠的好肩膀. 他激励我变得更好,帮助我解决一些信仰问题. 他对教学充满热情,他的怪癖让我们都笑了. While at D.C. 我记得如果我结婚的话,我想让他当我婚礼上的牧师, 我知道他的笑话会让人发笑,他会受到大家的欢迎. 我很难过他离开了这个世界,但他的热情和笑话留在了我们的记忆中. I miss him a lot.